Adjust processing temperature according as the extruder screw. Effect of organic additives on porous silicon nitride ceramics prepared by extrusion method 根据挤出机大小及其螺杆塑化能力适当调整加工温度。有机添加剂对多孔氮化硅陶瓷挤出成型工艺的影响
The effect of the bath composition, activation procedure and processing temperature on the plating rate and morphology of the deposited copper has been studied and is presented here. 镀液成分,激活过程和进行温度对于镀铜速率和沉积铜的形态的影响,已经被研究而且在这里说明。
The effects of processing temperature, carbon and silicon content on the layer depth Were analysed. 分析了含碳量、含硅量及温度等因素对渗层的影响。
The referenced curing processing temperature were calculated by Extrapolation. 利用外推法,确定了参考固化工艺温度。
The influences of the processing temperature and pressure on the morphology of ZnO are investigated. 考察了不同的温度和压力处理条件对ZnO晶体形貌和微粒尺寸的影响。
Melt of the composite sheet showed nice fluidity under routine plastic processing temperature. 复合片材熔体在常规塑料加工温度区间内流动性良好,显示其优良的加工性能。
The relationship between the gelation level and processing temperature and physical properties were discussed and a comparison between the results of these 2 methods was also made. 讨论了凝胶度与加工温度及力学性能的关系,并对这两种测试结果进行了比较。
The size and distribution of phase separation nucleation treated under differential nucleation processing temperature were measured. 测量了不同成核处理温度下玻璃分相成核的粒度分布。
Some factors affecting the pepsin digestibility of fishmeal such as storage time, processing temperature, fat, and amino content were discussed in this thesis and the further study was also discussed. 本文讨论了原料鱼的新鲜度、鱼粉生产工艺、贮藏时间、脂肪含量、氨基酸组成等对鱼粉胃蛋白酶消化率的影响,并对本研究的进一步工作做了讨论。
In the data processing temperature compensation is used. 给出了系统构成,并在数据处理中采用了温度补偿修正。
The research work above provides theory basic for exactly modeling and quality controlling of laser processing temperature field having the character of scanning and superposing process. 上述研究工作为具有扫描叠加过程特点的激光加工温度场精确建模和质量控制提供了理论基础。
Last, using OpenGL Scientific Visualization method realizes the high quality and alternate continuous casting processing temperature field visualization. 最后,利用OpenGL可视化方法实现了高质量、交互式连铸过程温度场后处理图像的可视化显示。
The effects of processing temperature and basic resin on the optical property of the transparent PP were discussed. 同时,讨论了加工温度和基础树脂对透明PP光学性能的影响。
The experiment shows that the tensile strength and elongation of monofilament depend largely on the processing temperature, morphology and fusion level. 实验还表明,单丝的拉伸强度和相对伸长率与它的加工温度、形态和熔化程度有密切的关系。
To its 240 ℃ under tau~ gamma flow curve, 240 ℃ under melt the body surface view viscosity with to compose and the shear rate relations and the melt body surface view viscosity and the processing temperature relations have made the outline. 对其240℃下τ~γ流变曲线、240℃下熔体表观黏度与组成和剪切速率的关系及熔体表观黏度与加工温度的关系作了概述。
Results show that viscosity ratio of HDPE and PA 6 can be adjusted by changing processing temperature. 结果表明:改变加工温度可以调节HDPE/PA6共混组成粘度比。
It was also found that both increasing processing temperature and extension rate were favorable to elasticity of PVC melts. 提高PVC材料的加工温度或加快材料的延伸速率,均对提高PVC熔体弹性有利。
To introduce the experimental data of the quality requirement, the forging process, the hot processing temperature, the influence of chemical composition and the control of heating time for steel ingot. 文章详细介绍了试制过程中对钢锭的质量要求,锻造工艺、热加工温度、化学成份的影响、加热时间的控制等试验数据。
The non-enzymatic browning of greengage juice increased and the color darkened with the increase of concentration and processing temperature; 随着果汁含量和加工温度的提高,非酶褐变加快,色泽加深;
Different kinds of aloes processed with different additives have a direct effect on health protecting function of aloe wine, which is shown by the research on variety of aloe, processing temperature and time and additives. 通过对芦荟品种、芦荟加工的温度和时间、芦荟添加量的研究,发现了不同芦荟品种、不同芦荟加工工艺和不同添加量对芦荟保健酒有效成分有直接的影响。
The heating and processing temperature of oil and gas gathering transporting system production decreased greatly. By energy consumption reduction, we have achieved good economic benefit and social benefit. 冬季掺低温水,掺水炉运行数量减少2/3左右,油气集输系统生产加热及处理温度大幅度降低,通过能耗的降低,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。
In reactive extrusion process, intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight of R-PET decreased with the increase of processing temperature and screw speed. 在反应挤出过程中,随着熔融段温度和螺杆转速的增加,改性R-PET的特性粘度降低,粘均分子量减小。
Lignin content has a clear upward trend with the increase in processing temperature and processing time. 木质素含量随着处理温度和处理时间的增加有明显的上升趋势。
This paper summarizes some of the conclusions of the main tasks and weaknesses, the outlook based on image processing temperature of the flame detection technology development. 结论部分总结了本文的主要工作及不足之处,展望了基于图像处理的火焰温度检测技术的发展方向。
Processing temperature and processing time on α-cellulose and lignin no significantly variation. 处理温度和处理时间对α-纤维素和木质素含量变化均没有显著影响。
As the processing temperature and time increased, the chemical components and changes trend in specific modulus are consistent basically. 随着处理温度的升高和时间的增加,化学成分和比模量的变化趋势是基本一致的。
Moreover, the effection of processing temperature and the geometry of samples on the degradation rate were studied. 分析探究了样品加工温度和几何尺寸对其降解速率的影响。
The processing temperature all along is below 90 ℃, which is compatible with the fabrication of flexible electronics. 整体工艺温度低于90℃,与柔性电子学相兼容。